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Did you know that thirty-two million children in India have never been to any school?

What we deem normal for ourselves is a luxury for thirty-two million children in our country. It breaks our hearts to see these innocent souls reduced to mere numbers and statistics. Each one of them is a child with dreams, talents, and aspirations for a brighter future. 

Their dreams were shattered by the lack of equal opportunities. The flame of hope that lit in their heart, faded away. 

It's truly heartbreaking to imagine a child being born into a family full of life and energy, only to be held back by the chains of unequal opportunities. Instead of holding colours and storybooks, this child is forced to carry the weight of responsibilities that are too difficult for a young mind to bear. It's a harsh reality for millions of children in India. 

The following are words from when our team spoke to the residents of Narmada village. The sentiments they expressed were heart-wrenching, as they shared their feelings of hopelessness and thoughts on this issue.

“There is no facility for us. If we fall ill, there is no hospital for us.”
“If our kids study in schools, the fee is ₹1000, but our wages for labour are ₹1000 too. If we give that money for education, from where would we pay our rent, what would we eat? This is not the story of a single labourer, this is the story of every labourer.” 

The fact that one's future can be decided by their place of birth is not only unjust but also unacceptable. It's high time we take a stand and address this issue to ensure a better future for all of humanity.

Why is it that we look away?

Despite our innate sense of empathy and compassion, we often find ourselves turning away from the pain and anguish of others. This phenomenon, known as the bystander effect, has puzzled psychologists and social scientists for decades. Some suggest that it stems from a fear of getting involved or a belief that someone else will take action, while others argue that it is a result of our tendency to prioritise our self-interest over that of others. 

Regardless of the underlying cause, it is crucial to recognize the importance of confronting and addressing human suffering. Doing so is not only essential for our moral and ethical development as individuals but also as a society. By taking action and showing compassion, we can make a positive difference in the lives of those around us and create a more empathetic and caring world.

Today, let us not look away. Let us build a brighter future. Let us reignite the hope inside their hearts. Let us make a lasting impact.

Volunteer your time. Donate. Spread a word.

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